Goals...and how to avoid them...

Okay...as I hang my head in "lazy, bad belly dancer/teacher" mode..(well, not really), I realized in my last blog post, I had written down some "goals"...so here's my update (or lack thereof) on them.
Complete choreographies for both Intermediate & Advanced classes (mostly done but we will use the first few weeks to refresh technique anyway)

  • Still mostly done.  HOWEVER, not happy with any of the music I picked as it's music that everyone else uses.  I decided I want the sword piece for the Advanced class to be the one they do in the year-end show - so now must find 3-minute song for that...boo. Again, we will be refreshing technique for the first few weeks so I have hope.  I also have not chosen all my NEW music for this sessions CDs...have some ones I put on every class disc and found some great new ones - but need to find the music for the choreographies so they can go on there too before I burn them for the my girls.
Go through Costume Room (yes, ROOM) at home and pull out ALL costumes which need work.
  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa....yeah no.  On the plus side (and sad side), I finally let go of my beloved maroon "fem-bot bra" costume which I LOVED.  But it's going to another Little Fish member - so I know it will have a good home.  It was my favorite costume, but it was time to let it go, especially since I bought the red one.
 (sigh...I LOVED this costume, but Sarah will treat it well)

Organize and put away all other costumes in a somewhat orderly fashion.
  • Again, hahahahahahahaha
 DO the mending needed on the costumes I pulled out.
  • Ugh yeah...no
 So...oops - not a lot on this front got done. Bah...it was summer...

On the AWESOME side - my twin sister Tracy and I will be turned 41 this week, and I'm proud to say we both refuse to take ourselves seriously.  Life is short - play, have fun, smile, and Pay It Forward.  THAT'S how to be happy.
(Me and my sis dressed up as clowns for my niece's School Carnival)

On an "OMG How Fabulous!" side - my husband got us a Christmas Cruise!! Even more fabulous is my friend and fellow belly dancer/teacher Hindy Haymour (who lives in Florida) wants Rog and I to stop by and visit for a couple of days on our way back - so OMG how much fun is THAT going to be!? Woot!

(Hindy and I - surprise visit at Dr. Soanso's Mucking Farvelous Show in June 2011)

And finally, on the "So Excited I Can Barely Stand It" side - my classes at Soul Connexion start this Friday!!!  I am SO excited to start teaching again - going to be such a fun year, especially with the Intermediates and Advanced classes going to learn choreographies! I'm very bouncy about that! :bounce:bounce:bounce:

I get to see some of my girls who will be returning, and meet/torture the newbies in the Beginner class - most excellent!!  I again am so thankful and realize how incredibly lucky I am to have a core group of dedicated students who love me as much as I love them.  They truly make my Fridays fabulous - I love ending my week with them - it makes life incredibly fabulous to have their energy around me.

Shimmy on...


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