Life's Lessons...and the importance of dance to heal

Reading last July's blog post brought me to tears.  I know I promised to update my blog - and we all know how that turned out, don't we? After everything that happened with Dad, realizing the importance of family was a HUGE thing for me this year.  I made a very very difficult decision, and decided to tell the studio owner in the Fall of 2014, I would not be coming back to teach on Friday nights.  

I have taught on Friday nights (usually 3 classes each night) since the studio opened in 2009, and my girls mean the world to me.  It was with a heavy heart I told them - and they understood my wish to spend more time with my family.  The studio still wanted me to teach and the only other available night I would have was Wednesdays - so we are going to try a one-hour intermediate/advanced choreography class coming up in September - which will be a hoot!!! I love coming up with choreographies!!

I danced this year at the Ashara show (hosted by Naziarah Bellydance to celebrate their 10 year anniversary) with my mentor and teacher, Jumanah.  It was wonderful and I am so very happy we did it!

Earlier in July, my dear friend, Hindy Haymour, came to Calgary to do a workshop.  She brought with her Dr. Brian Abelson, a chiropractor with a dance background who has written several books about the healing powers of dance. They wanted to film us (well, Hindy actually) due to the healing powers of dance for HER when her brother passed away last year.  I know she was devastated, and still is, about her brother - and dancing has helped her healing processl.  Having her girls show up at her door and drag her to the studio helped as well - they love her so much!

The clip features a few scenes from Hindy's workshop in Calgary, Alberta

We very suddenly and without warning, lost our Father on May 29, 2014 of this year, after a heroic battle back from his heart attack and stroke last year.  His passing had actually nothing to do with his previous physical ailments, which was an even more bitter pill to swallow.  It left me heartbroken, angry, depressed and devastated.  Luckily, my twin sister and I have very supportive friends and family to help us through it, and of course, I have dance.  Healing is a very slow process and I have good days, and bad days.  When I dance, that is a GOOD day.

I don't just want to dance - I NEED to dance.  When I dance it transports me and I know nothing at that time but the music and the movement - it's MY form of meditation.  I intend on "meditating" a lot (and have been at home) until the end of summer, when I start dancing again with The Little Fish Belly Dance Company, and also teaching my choreography class.  It truly is not only good for the body, but also for the mind and the soul.

Shimmy On...


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