Life's Lessons...and the importance of dance to heal
Reading last July's blog post brought me to tears. I know I promised to update my blog - and we all know how that turned out, don't we? After everything that happened with Dad, realizing the importance of family was a HUGE thing for me this year. I made a very very difficult decision, and decided to tell the studio owner in the Fall of 2014, I would not be coming back to teach on Friday nights. I have taught on Friday nights (usually 3 classes each night) since the studio opened in 2009, and my girls mean the world to me. It was with a heavy heart I told them - and they understood my wish to spend more time with my family. The studio still wanted me to teach and the only other available night I would have was Wednesdays - so we are going to try a one-hour intermediate/advanced choreography class coming up in September - which will be a hoot!!! I love coming up with choreographies!! I danced this year at the Ashara show (hosted by Naziarah Bellydan...