
Inspiring Workshops and The Fish Pond

So...went to an AMAZING workshop the weekend of February 10/11 this year by the fabulous Ashley Rhianne out of Vancouver. It felt SO great to just drill like crazy and learn some fresh new moves. Ashley was not only an amazing dancer, she was an amazingly fabulous, open and giving person. I truly was inspired about dance again. I hadn't been able to attend the show Friday night because Monkey was sick and had had a fever for days. After the workshop I was still feeling off, but thought it was because I had not been getting any sleep because I had been looking after our sick Monkey. Yeah. No. Went to doctor. Turns out I had a fever and Strep Throat. <eyeroll> so I went on antibiotics. Twice. The first time I didn't work after 10 days and still had it, so a few days after they put me on stronger antibiotics. Also shortly after the workshop, I slipped on some ice and was holding Monkey up so he wouldn't fall and two of my upper back ribs popped out. So was in some...

Back At It

Well, I didn't realize when I deleted my website it would have deleted a number of my blogs, but there you go. Can't remember all I posted, but I guess I will just move forward. I deleted my website last year as I have not been professionally dancing or teaching for awhile. I forward a lot of requests on to other dancers because I preferred to spend time with my family and our growing son. But I had a chance meeting when I ran into the owner of Soul Connexion last summer during events in our community and we got to chatting. She asked if I was still dancing and I said yes. She asked if I was still teaching and I said "no, but I'd like to get back to teaching"...and there you go! I began teaching again at Soul Connexion in September 2017 (after a 2-year hiatus) for a 12-week class and very happily am back for another 12-week session in January. So excited to be back teaching - I didn't realize just how much I had missed it! Hoping it continues in April with...

2015 - The Year of Dance

The last 6 months have been amazingly good at helping me heal, though I am still having moments.  In September 2014, I started my new Wednesday night choreography class with my intermediate and advanced girls - and they have made my heart smile. They have learned (very quickly I might add!) a veil choreography and let me tell you, there were times I just starting jumping around and being very excited because what I had envisioned in my head - they TOTALLY brought to life!  It is so wonderful to feel creative again and have students who pick it up so quickly and make it wonderful to watch.  I love them so much - they always make my week better. They are currently halfway through a drum piece as well and killing it - I love it!  Good thing they are picking it up quickly as they will be performing BOTH pieces in  the Little Fish Student Hafla we are having March 14, 2015 (see upcoming events page).  I know they will do me proud!  The Little Fis...

Life's Lessons...and the importance of dance to heal

Reading last July's blog post brought me to tears.  I know I promised to update my blog - and we all know how that turned out, don't we? After everything that happened with Dad, realizing the importance of family was a HUGE thing for me this year.  I made a very very difficult decision, and decided to tell the studio owner in the Fall of 2014, I would not be coming back to teach on Friday nights.   I have taught on Friday nights (usually 3 classes each night) since the studio opened in 2009, and my girls mean the world to me.  It was with a heavy heart I told them - and they understood my wish to spend more time with my family.  The studio still wanted me to teach and the only other available night I would have was Wednesdays - so we are going to try a one-hour intermediate/advanced choreography class coming up in September - which will be a hoot!!! I love coming up with choreographies!! I danced this year at the Ashara show (hosted by Naziarah Bellydan...

Now is the summer of my discontent...

Well's been insane this past little while in my tiny little world.  I vow to update my blog at LEAST once per month, no matter what, from now on! Unbelievable to me I have been so lazy! My apologizes, although frankly, not sure my life as of late would have interested everyone! At the beginning of April, had a wonderful time helping Son of the Pharaoh put on a workshop with Nourhan Shariff and Karim Nagi - they are both absolutely fantastic teachers AND stunning performers to watch! They worked very well together (I thought anyway) teaching the weekend workshops - I found them very informative and both quite down-to-earth and approachable. Karim has some INSANELY fantastic music mixes he's done - LOVED them! He played me a few ones he's done with Michael Jackson songs - they were sooooooo good!!   Nourhan Shariff, Karim Nagi and Melika   I also had the honour of performing in the show with them that weekend, performing my Michael Jackson belly dan...

Good To Be Back!!!

Well, I find myself in mid-March and realizing what a bad blogger I've been! Haven't updated since October 2012! Began teaching again at Soul Connexion on Friday nights at the beginning of January and dancing with The Little Fish Belly Dance Company on Tuesday nights, and feels SO GOOD to be back dancing!! I missed teaching and dancing so very much!  I missed my girls, the laughter, the Fish, and of course, belly dance. Although, I DO want to share my absolute favorite picture taken of me during my pregnancy last year - it was taken by my twin at the Little Fish Student Show at the end of May 2012...   It made me look so serene (which was rather hilarious since Kendra and I were doing a piece to Dancing Queen by ABBA!) Not quite sure at what point in the song she took it - but I just love it!!   The past number of months has definitely been an adventure! Getting used to being a mom, staying at home while on maternity leave, and still finding time ...

The New Adventure...

Well, it has been a BUSY last number of months!!! First off, I had a fantastic time in May with my girls at the Soul Connexion photo shoot, pregnant and all!!! Me and My Intermediate Girls Me and My Advanced Girls Seriously, it was a fun-filled day (went to the Alberta Romance Writers Association's 25th Anniversary earlier in the day) and ended with the photo shoot. It was insane to have that much fun <giggle> My girls performed in two shows - the Soul Connexion Student Show and The Little Fish show  - and they made me SO PROUD!!! I was thrilled by how well they did in both shows!  At the end of June, with the end of the season, it was with a sad heart I taught my last classes of the year.  As I was due September 15th, I felt I needed a few months to get used to being a Mom... Well, here it is now near the end of October, and my special package was delivered September 5, 2012!  David Alexander  Thus far, I believe I'm doing fa...