2015 - The Year of Dance
The last 6 months have been amazingly good at helping me heal, though I am still having moments. In September 2014, I started my new Wednesday night choreography class with my intermediate and advanced girls - and they have made my heart smile. They have learned (very quickly I might add!) a veil choreography and let me tell you, there were times I just starting jumping around and being very excited because what I had envisioned in my head - they TOTALLY brought to life! It is so wonderful to feel creative again and have students who pick it up so quickly and make it wonderful to watch. I love them so much - they always make my week better. They are currently halfway through a drum piece as well and killing it - I love it! Good thing they are picking it up quickly as they will be performing BOTH pieces in the Little Fish Student Hafla we are having March 14, 2015 (see upcoming events page). I know they will do me proud! The Little Fis...